Almost Here!! Nikon Theatre @ WPPI… Please join us at the Nikon Booth #721…#NikonSchoolTheatre #NikonAmbassador…An amazing lineup of the best of the best in the industry and then there is Us!! We speak March 3&4…On the Art of Boudoir. Say hello we will be talking shooting, girls in lingerie and lighting!!!…Even a live demonstration of our signature shot!!! See you there!!
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Here are some tips for your boudoir Valentine’s photo shoot Tip #1…….Get your boyfriend or Hubby involved so he can pay for it!! It has been shown that when the boys are involved it goes really well. I do not mean that they are in the actual shoot, I just mean that they seem to be into this entire process and it really keeps the interest up for both of you…. Or you could do a couples shoot…. Hmmmm, something to think about! Tip #2….Book a shoot today …
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