Exciting news, boudoir fans!! The Boudoir Café was featured on the popular current news website, The Daily Beast! : Journalist Samantha Allen was kind enough to contact me and The Boudoir Café team as prime contributors to her article, “How Boudoir Photos Are Redefining Sexy.” The article itself is lovely, and has a lot of good words to say about boudoir by those who have participated and been changed by it; and by boudoir photographers (including Hedley and myself!) …
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We have become well aware that men want their wives and girlfriends to do a boudoir shoot, whether the girls know this or not! The men love-LOVE-love to have these little goodies on their phone to look at while the day drags on or when they are traveling. Imagine, photos of you on-hand is a must! So men, we know you want it so let’s get on it!! We will make the best package possible to make your girls feel …
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Hello Chickadees! I hope everyone has had a wonderful holiday season and A VERY HAPPY NEW YEAR. But just because the holiday season is over doesn’t mean that gift-giving is over! A very, very important holiday is coming up: Valentine’s Day! And while we at The Boudoir Café like chocolate and flowers and wine and dine as much as any other girl. We believe in something a little more sexy is preferable for this romantic holiday. Sure, you can treat …
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Buying a Christmas #gift can be tough. And, if you’re not getting your loved one a Boudoir Café photo package, gifting can be even tougher. Lucky for you – we have yet another wonderful #gift solution! (Which works perfectly in tandem with a Boudoir Café photo shoot…) My lovely friend, Carla Vaz de Almeida, makes wonderful, hand-crafted shoes. Her company, Lisbon Shoemakers, is getting attention for its elegance (and its edge) in their one-of-a-kind creations. Like the Boudoir Café, Lisbon …
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Hello world! So we are all aware of the awesome effects a boudoir photoshoot has on a woman. But what about a significant other she is sharing the photos with? What are their reactions, before, during, and after the process? I spoke with the greatest hubby ever, Tim, to see what he has to say about boudoir photography, The Boudoir Cafe, and our wonderful team. Tim had a lot to say about how it felt to be there during the …
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